Our trucks
We have 4 trucks available, all suitable for different styles of work!
- Our mini Fuso, for our day to day deliveries! This mini truck carry's approx 100 small bales, 3 round bales and plenty of bags of feed and chaff!
- The Bundara Park Water truck, carrying 13,000L of Canberras Icon Water! (Contact Belinda for any enquiries 0439986818)
- The OG tip truck, carrying 6 round bales, 3x large sqaures (8x4x3ft), approx 60 small squares, and again, all of your feed and chaff! (This is our favourite for the round bales as we can tip them off!)
- And finally, the big Fuso! A 14 pallet flat bed truck, with the main purpose of transporting machinery and hay! Available now for transporting machinery, bulk deliveries - bulka bags, pallets, large quantities of hay. We can easily unload any of these with the off road forks, and hay grabs for large quantities of hay! This truck fits approximately 300x small squares or 28x 4x4ft round bales! We can also deliver pallet loads of bedding, whether is be 15kg Equine Pure Pellets, 25kg ExcelPro bedding or 14kg bags of Superior Shavings!
All trucks are available for small and large deliveries!